Advisory Park Board To Ask Council To Put Halt On Master Plan

It’s become a hot topic over the past month. And now, it will become an even bigger conversation. With a full slate of people speaking out against the Lakeside Park Master Plan, both in person and online, the Advisory Park Board made the decision to ask City Council to put a halt to the Pavilion remodeling project, as well as any other projects that are part of the plan, until a feasibility plan has been completed. 

That move was made Monday night at the regular monthly board meeting, as that motion was brought to the table, as well as a motion to recommend to City Council that a referendum on the Master Plan also be brought up for discussion at the August 12 City Council meeting. 

The Board also heard from City of Fond du Lac Public Works Director Jordan Skiff and City Parks Superintendent John Redmond. Skiff told the Board there are a number of misconceptions right now relative to Lakeside Park, with the first one being another bridge replacement within the park. That replacement had been scheduled for some time and while the timing comes within the initial phases of the Master Plan, it had been on the books for replacement for a number of years. Redmond also told the Board that, while there have been numerous questions raised regarding the supposed “lean” of the Lighthouse at Lakeside Park, he and City staff feel very confident in the structural integrity of the Lighthouse. 

All attention now is focused on the August 12 City Council meeting, and what direction the council will be asked to take, and what decisions they’ll make. 

We’re heading into the “dogs days of summer” and things are starting to heat up locally. The lines are beginning to be drawn deeper in the sand, and here’s hoping the logical conversations continue to be had on both sides.