Local News
Agnesian HealthCare Garden Walk A Success

More than 500 people admired the handiwork and loving care given to the six showcased gardens during the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation 2014 Garden Walk & Art Fair. Thanks to community support and generous garden hosts, the garden walk had another successful year generating more than $8,300 for the Community Care Fund. Stuart’s Landscaping & Garden Center, and Commonwealth Landscape & Maintenance helped to sponsor the event. Rita Meidam, Agnesian HealthCare Foundation executive director says, “We know that the ultimate benefactors of the garden walk are those patients that can receive vital healthcare services when they are unable to pay for their services on their own.” Pat Meyer and Cailey Wagner, both of Fond du Lac, were the lucky prize drawing winners. The 2015 Garden Walk is scheduled for Sunday, July 12. For more information, call the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation at (920) 926-4959.