Local News
Altrusa Honored With FDL City Council Proclamation
The Fond du Lac City Council this week honored the local chapter of Altrusa International in honor of the organization’s 100th Anniversary, which was reached this week. Judy Dassow of the local chapter says their affiliate was honored for their 65th Anniversary last fall. She says she will be bringing a copy of the proclamation to the International Convention in Nashville in July. She says their main focus is raising funds for literacy efforts. She says they provide scholarships for the High School, Moraine Park and UW-Fond du Lac. She says they also provide book cases and books for new Habitat for Humanity Homes, support the Children’s Museum, the Solutions Center, Family Resource Center, Adult Literacy and mobile meals programs. Pictured left to right Dassow and City Council President Lee Ann Lorrigan.