Local News
Arrest In UW-Oshkosh Assaults

Oshkosh Police have arrested a 19-year-old Oshkosh man in connection with two attacks on UW-Oshkosh students. Police say the man was involved in an attack early the morning of October 20th near the intersection of Elmwood Avenue and Scott Street. The second occurred Sunday night in the 800 block of McKinley Street when another man was with the suspect. The suspect ran toward one of the students and struck him without warning. The victim ran away and found a UW-Oshkosh Police officer who managed to take the suspect into custody. The suspect was arrested for battery and carrying a concealed weapon because he was carrying a knife in his pocket. He was also linked to the October 20th robbery. The victim suffered a minor injury. Police are still looking for the man who was with the suspect during Sunday night’s attack. Oshkosh Police are continuing to investigate four other robbery and assault incidents that have occurred since late last month.