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Baldwin Announces Passage of Amendment to Help Fight Meth Abuse
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin announced Monday a bi-partisan
amendment to fight methamphetamine abuse that passed the senate. The amendment
was included in appropriations legislation, and increases funding for the COPS
Anti-Methamphetamine Program (CAMP) to $13 million-dollars. The U.S. Department
of Justice says CAMP is a grant program that is open to state law enforcement
agencies in states that have a high number of seizures of the precursor
chemicals of meth, finished meth, meth labs and lab dump seizures.
“I’ve met with local health officials, law enforcement and
those who have lost loved ones throughout Wisconsin, and it’s clear Washington
must do more to be a stronger partner in supporting local prevention, treatment
and recovery efforts,” Baldwin said. The amendment was led by Senator Cory Gardner
of Colorado, and co-sponsored by Senators Steve Daines of Montana, Kirsten
Gillibrand of New York, Doug Jones of Alabama, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky,
Gary Peters of Michigan and Jon Tester of Montana, in addition to Baldwin.