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Baldwin Sticks Up For Wisconsin Brats, Beer And Cheese
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin is involved in efforts to protect the names of types of sausages, beer and cheese. She and other senators are urging the U.S. Agriculture Department, U.S. Trade Representatives and Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau to fight an effort by the European Union. If the European Union is successful in protecting “geographic indicators” U.S. meat producers wouldn’t be able to use names for popular meat products. They wouldn’t be able to use names like bratwurst, bologna, Black Forest ham, kielbasa and wiener schnitzel. The same would hold true for using names for common cheeses like Asiago, Feta, Parmesan and Muenster or types of beer like Bavarian. She feels the effort by the European Union isn’t necessary. Baldwin’s efforts have the backing of a number of U.S. Senators and food and beverage producers and associations.