Local News
Bars in Green Bay area exploring options of staying open later during NFL Draft

Bars in the Green Bay area are looking at what Milwaukee will do with their expected crowds associated with the Republican National Convention, and asking for the same treatment for the crowds that will come with the 2025 NFL draft.
Governor Tony Evers has already signed a bill that would allow bars in 14-counties around Milwaukee to stay open until 4:00 am during this summer’s Republican National Convention.
The Brown County Tavern League is asking municipalities in the Green Bay area to provide two extra hours to clear the huge crowds expected to descend on the city each night during a nine-day period in late April of 2025. Under the proposal, between April 19th-28th, bars and restaurants could be open as late as 4:00 am, which is two hours later than normal bar close.
Ultimately, the ability to temporarily extend bar hours would be up to the state. But the tavern league first wants to explore what’s possible and wanted at the local level.