Black Bear seen in Village of Rosendale


Law enforcement in Fond du Lac County had an uncommon call Thursday evening, July 11, 2024 as residents in the village of Rosendale were reporting a black bear running through town.

While not unheard of, it is rare to have a bear sighting in Fond du Lac County.

Wisconsin DNR Conservation Warden William Hankee told KFIZ that it is likely just passing through saying “Bears typically wander looking for food, mates or territory, and this one wont stop until it finds good habitat and other bears.”

Hankee went on to say that while Fond du Lac County does have some pockets that may be suitable for bears, they prefer to have more space than what is available in our county.


Officers from Rosendale, the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office and Hankee tracked the bear after it was first seen in the southeast corner of the village by the Rosendale Firehouse on Hill Road and State Highway 23. From there, the bear moved north through the village and eventually crossed East Rose-Eld Road which put it out of the village limits. Once it moved north of Rosendale, law enforcement let the bear go on its way. Hankee said the cause for concern was only because the bear was in a populated area, which it likely didn’t want to be in. He, along with the other officers, helped push the bear north out of the village limits.

Hankee says if you come in contact with a bear, to not panic, raise your arms to appear larger and speak to the bear in a stern, but calm voice to drive it away.