Local News
Bob Haase’s Another Can Of Worms
Friends and Friendship
I just returned from our annual “Spring Fling” which is a fishing trip to northern Wisconsin. There are four of us that have made this trip together for over 30 years and a couple others have also joined us as often as they could during that time. This trip has become very special to all of us and has created a special friendship that we try to also share throughout the year.
Friends and friendship is something that is very special and is one of the greatest gifts you can give to someone. It is much more important and more valuable than any monetary gift you can make. The giving our your friendship not only makes a difference in some else’s life, it can also make a difference in your own. True friends are there when they are needed and not just when it is convenient.
The longer you live, the more you realize the importance of friends in your life. Throughout our lifetime we will all face challenges and problems that can seem impossible to overcome. These could be family problems, problems at work, or health issues. Regardless of the problem, having friends to confide in and share your concerns with can make the difference in creating a positive outcome.
Being friends do not mean that you always have to agree with each other, but you need to trust and respect each other’s opinions. It means trying to understand rather than trying to find fault. It also means forgiving and not holding bad feelings about things that may have been said or misinterpreted. I know people that are always trying to second guess and find out what a person really meant by what the other person said. Most of these people have few if any good friends. They say that a dog is a man’s best friend. Maybe that is because a dog will always be there for you and readily forgives you for the things you might have done.
My wife and I have always agreed that our friends are our best assets, not our home or material things. We can replace material things but it is difficult to replace a good friend. The fishing trips “Spring Flings” we have taken over the last thirty years has created a lasting friendship and a lot of good memories. There isn’t much that we wouldn’t do for one another and maybe that is the meaning of a good friendship.
This fishing trip provides time together to reflect and talk about the good times we have had together and share what is happening in our lives. You do not need a fishing trip to do this. Just take a little time and reflect on your life, your friends, and maybe pick up the phone and call them if you haven’t talked to them lately.
Bob Haase is the host of “Outdoors Thursday” heard Thursday mornings at 9:10 a.m. on News-Talk 1450 KFIZ.