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Bob Haase’s Another Can Of Worms

Class Reunions
It seems like it was not that long ago that I graduated from high school but I will be going to my 50th class reunion in a couple weeks. Some people may have mixed feelings about high school, but I had fun and have a lot of good memories. Thinking back I might of had too much fun if that is possible. Maybe that is why I have tried to attend the class reunions and helped plan a lot of them.
I think it is interesting to hear what some of my classmates have been doing and also see how they have changed. A lot of things can change in 50 years and that is obvious when you are trying to identify some of the classmates you may not have seen in many years. There are also a few that never seem to change and look a lot like they did back in high school.
I graduated from Montello High School and there were only 43 in our graduating class. I know that I didn’t appreciate it at the time, but I believe that I received a good education there. For a small school we had some excellent teachers and they provided a good educational foundation that helped me throughout my lifetime. I have thanked them before, but I would like to thank them again for the positive impact they have had on my life.
Things were a lot different 50 years ago and I think kids today have it a lot tougher than we did. We didn’t have the drugs and we didn’t have the shootings we have today. Kids could bring their shotguns to school in their cars so they could go hunting after school. Many of us carried pocket knives. We seemed to spend more time together doing things. Today with cell phones more time is spent texting one another and some of that personal interaction is lost. I don’t think we had the stresses in our lives back then that kids seem to have today.
Our classmates now reside all over the United States and some have to travel a great distance to attend the class reunions and I am glad that they do. It is good to see them and talk about the things we did and the fun we had. Even though we do not see each other very often, they are still friends and it is nice to spend the time together that class reunions provide.
It seems like some classmates never attend the reunions and others seldom miss them. When we receive a notice about our class reunions we should try to attend if we can. If you can’t attend, it should be a reminder to pick up the phone and call some of your old classmates to see how they are doing and maybe share a few good memories. Life is short and you realize how short when your receive notice of your 50th class reunion. The next time you get that notice make plans to attend and refresh some old high school friendships.
Bob Haase is the host of “Outdoors Thursday” heard Thursday mornings at 9:10 a.m. on News-Talk 1450 KFIZ.