Local News
Bob Haases Another Can Of Worms

Signs, Signs, and More Signs
As we travel we see all kinds of signs. Some of these are important because they provide us travel directions. Some signs are also confusing because they provide false information. One example of this is on County Highway “I” heading north from Highway 23 west of Fond du Lac. It says “Road Closed Construction”. A little further down the road is says “Road Closes 1000 feet” and shortly after that it says “Road Closed 500 feet”. Then there are more signs saying the same thing. The problem with this is that the road is not closed and has not been closed for some time. Maybe they plan on leaving these signs up until they do work again next spring. In the mean time people think the road is closed. Next spring when the roads really are closed people will not believe them and travel these roads anyway. If people get used to seeing signs that are wrong or misleading maybe they won’t pay attention to them when they should.
Signs are important because they can provide valuable information. It seems like people are getting lazy when it comes to putting up and taking down signs. Another example is the businesses that have their “Open” signs out or lit up all the time regardless of whether they are open or not. I can see if someone forgets once in a while, but I try not to stop at any business that is too lazy to post the proper sign.
Then there are the signs that many people can’t see. These are usually the most important such as health signs that we should be seeing a doctor when we are having pains or problems that should be warning signs for us. Sometimes we can’t see signs that friends are having problems and could use our help. We are provided with all kinds of signs in our life and it is up to us to determine the importance of each of them. If the sign says “STOP” maybe we should because our life could depend on it.
Another interesting series of signs are the billboards that are on the left hand side of highway 41 heading north past North Fond du Lac. The first is a religious billboard talking about “God”. The next one says something about how “Pornography Kills Families”. Then the next five are promoting Adult Toy Stores. I find it is interesting that they are all next to each other. I also find it interesting how many of the billboards between Fond du Lac and Oshkosh are promoting Adult Toy Stores. Maybe they should put up one more right before the adult toy store saying “God is Watching You!”.
Bob Haase is the host of “Outdoors Thursday” heard Thursday mornings at 9:10 a.m. on News-Talk 1450 KFIZ.