Brault Running As “Write-In” Candidate For FDL County Executive

There’s a new candidate running for the FDL County Executive seat.

Tiffany Brault has announced she’s running as a “write-in” candidate for the upcoming June 7th election.

In published materials, Brault labels herself as a “progressive” candidate.

She says “some politicians try to divide us against each other-hoping that if we fear our neighbor, we might look the other way while they rig the rules for their corporate donors and watch as our communities suffer.”

The current Fond du Lac City Council member and County Board member, will be running against current County Board Chairman, Sam Kaufman, who was elected to the position by former County Board Chairman, Martin Farrell.

The special election was needed following the unexpected passing March 27 of Allen J. Buechel, who suffered a heart attack the day before.