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CDC Reports No New Measles Cases in U.S. Last Week
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says
that, for the first time since January, there were no new measles cases
reported in the United States last week. As of last Thursday, the CDC says the
number of Measles cases in the country held steady at 1,241 for the year. Officials
say the majority of cases were reported among people who were not vaccinated
against the disease, and more than 75 percent of cases were linked to outbreaks
in New York and New York City. Cases have been confirmed in 31 states,
including Illinois, Iowa, Indiana and Michigan, but none so far in Wisconsin
and Minnesota. The number of cases this year marks the greatest number reported
in the U.S. since 1992 and since the disease was declared to be eliminated in
2000, meaning it was no longer continuously transmitted in the country.