Local News
Cell Phone Photos A Concern During Fatal Accident

The highway safety coordinator for Fond du Lac County says they are lucky there wasn’t a secondary accident on I-41 in Fond du Lac while authorities were handling a fatal accident in the northbound lanes Tuesday. Sheriff’s Captain Rick Olig says people in the southbound lane and on a frontage road were slowing down to take pictures on their smart phones. He says some drivers didn’t have either hand on the wheel. He says they had a passenger steer for them. He says it’s difficult enough to notify loved ones that someone was killed in a traffic accident. He says they shouldn’t have to find out about it on Facebook. He says at one point they used a tarp because of all the photos that were being taken. Olig says all available resources were used for the accident. He says if there had been a secondary accident in the southbound lanes it would have been extremely difficult to respond to. He says technically all those people taking pictures should have been cited for inattentive driving. Twenty-four-year-old Joseph Wegner of North Fond du Lac was killed in the accident.