Local News
Christmas Tree Disposal Program Will Benefit The Gratitude Club
Once again this season for a few dollars people buying Christmas trees in Fond du Lac can pay for tags to put on their trees for disposal of those trees after the season and help out an organization that aids recovering alcoholics and drug users. Mary Gerlach is executive director of the Beacon House. She says there will be couple of curbside pick up dates for those trees next month. Trees will be picked up on Saturday, January 6th and Saturday, January 13th for trees with the tags on them. The tags will be available for $5 when you purchase a tree from A & W or Gilles tree lots. All the money will go to the Gratitude Club, which holds meetings for recovering alcoholics and drug users. The Club always needs money for building repairs and upkeep. It’s the fourth year the fundraiser has benefitted the Gratitude Club in Fond du Lac.