Local News
City County Building Security Upgrade Considered
Fond du Lac County Judge Dale English will have two opportunities this month to talk to County supervisors about upgrading the security at the City-County Government Center. He will go before the County Board’s Finance Committee on Tuesday, October 24th and then the board itself during a public hearing on the County Budget on Tuesday, October 31st. County Executive Al Buechel says if the County Board and Fond du Lac City Council want the upgrade he will meet with City Manager Joe Moore about the issue. Both Buechel and Moore have not included money for the secure entrance at the north end of the building in the County and City budgets for 2018. Buechel says that doesn’t mean he’s against it. He believes it is a good idea, but it doesn’t fit in the budget right now. He thinks the County sales tax could pay for it if the tax wasn’t sun setting in 2021. He says over the years they have put $1.5 million in the building to make it more secure.