Local News
City Of Fond du Lac Leaf Collection Dates Announced

The City of Fond du Lac’s annual leaf collection will begin on Monday October 17, 2022 with crews starting in the northeast section of the city.
The collection will proceed in a clockwise direction – to the southeast, southwest, and northwest sections.
The crews typically will be able to make three complete rounds of the city during the October and November months.
For collection purposes, Main Street divides the city into east and west halves, and Western Avenue and Fourth Street divides the city into north and south halves.
A map will be available on the City’s website indicating the progress collection crews have made to date Beginning Monday, October 17. Access the map on the city’s website at http://www.fdl.wi.gov/ and click on “Leaf Collection Progress Map” under “Important Notices”. The map will show which areas have been covered by collection crews, and arrows will indicate which direction the crews will be moving.
The map will be updated toward the end of each work day.