Local News
Community Support Made Browser Open A Success

It was a rainy day in March – the 13th – when brave souls took on the challenging 18 holes of mini golf inside the three floors of putting challenges at the Fond du Lac Public Library. Many were victorious. Some were not. All had a great time.
The Friends of the Fond du Lac Public Library’s second annual Browser Open was a smashing success. The event raised more than $6,000 for the library’s summer reading program.
“We’ll put that money to great use,” said Children’s and Teen Services Coordinator Sarah Newton. “Browser Open supports our Mega Mondays series. We bring in professional storytellers, magicians and musicians to entertain more than 400 kids a week for eight weeks. It’s hugely popular, it attracts kids to the library and we couldn’t do it without help from our Friends.”
The 2016 summer reading theme, Ready, Set, Read!, supports fitness and health. The program will run from June 1 to August 13 with programming and rewards for reading for all ages.
The Browser Open, meanwhile, drew nearly 200 golfers of every age: grandparents playing with toddlers, whole families competing and teens on dates.
The event relied on significant community support. Primary financial sponsors were Charter Communications, Fond du Lac Noon Rotary, Dr. Tom Kraus Dentistry, Oral Surgery Associates and Society Insurance. Each golf hole was designed, created and staffed by a community business or organization; they included Charter Communications, National Exchange Bank, Oral Surgery Associates, Marian University Upward Bound Math & Science, Friends of Taylor Park and Pool, Baha’i Faith Community, Fond du Lac County Audubon Society, Lakeshore Bowhunters Archery Club, Gottfried Arboretum, Boys and Girls Club of Fond du Lac, 4-H Club, Home School Performing Arts and Fond du Lac Youth Rugby. With additional financial donations, raffle donations and in-kind donations, 47 local businesses, clubs and organizations helped make the Browser Open a success. Add to that the 100-plus army of volunteers who worked the event.
“There’s no better way to put it than to say thank you,” said event co-chair Earl Jewett. “Thank you for the checks, thank you for incredible creative golf holes, thank you for prize donations, thank you for the time and energy. And thank you to the golfers who came out to have fun and support the library.”