Local News
Dark Store Loophole

Democrats in the State Legislature hope to close the “Dark Store” loophole before the current session ends. Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz says it isn’t right that big box retailers and others should benefit from lower assessments and shift the tax burden to other property taxpayers. He says, “The Menards of the world, and the Lowe’s and Walgreen’s are challenging their assessment so a property in Appleton is sold for $11 million they are saying that the assessment shouldn’t be $11 million it should be $5 million because of what it is worth when it is vacant.” Hintz points out they have bipartisan support to close the loophole if they can accomplish it this session. He says, “We have great bipartisanship. We have had hearings in both houses and if we act we can close this loophole to protect the tax shift from going on the backs of residential home owners and small business property taxpayers.” Thirty-one Republican state legislators are supporting legislation to close the loophole.