Day Nine Was Looking Fine On Lake Winnebago

Day Nine was looking fine on Lake Winnebago. 41 fish were pulled from Lake Winnebago Sunday. Jim and Linda’s was a popular registration station, with 17 fish, Wendt’s had 7 and Stockbridge Harbor and Quinney each with 5 fish. 25 fish were harvested from the Upriver Lakes with 13 fish registered at Indian Point and 12 at Critter’s.

Day 9 Harvest Report.pdf

The largest fish registered on the system Sunday was 98.4 pounds, 70.2 inches, registered at Payne’s Point by Hunter Seelow. Zach Southard had the largest fish on the Upriver Lakes, registering his 87.1 pound, 67.5 inch lake sturgeon at Critter’s.  The registration stations at Waverly Beach, Quinney, Jerry’s Bar, and Boom Bay are now closed for the remainder of the season.

Be safe. Be smart. And Good luck in the final week of the season!