Local News
Dementia Summit In FDL

A Leadership Fond du Lac team will host the first ever Fond du Lac Area Dementia Summit on Thursday, April 7th. Jessee Te Stroete is one of the six members of the Just Keep Making Progress Leadership Fond du Lac team. She says members of the team realized they were all impacted by loved ones who have had Alzheimer’s of Dementia. Dr. Diane Moshnik will give a presentation on the different types of dementia during the summit. She says another speaker will talk about being a caretaker for someone with dementia. Check in for the summit that day is from 12:30 to 1 p.m. with the summit running from 1 to 4:30 p.m. at the Community Church in Fond du Lac at N6717 Streblow Drive. She says although the summit is free they would like people to pre-register. You can do that by emailing Karissa Schneider at kschneider@kidsclubfdl.org or by calling 920-907-8692.