Wisconsin News
Democratic Party Chair Issues Response To WI Supreme Court Decision
In response to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court’s decision to adopt legislative Republicans’ deeply gerrymandered maps, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler issued the following statement:
“In a democracy, voters are supposed to choose their representatives – not the other way around. Wisconsin’s State Supreme Court today conspired with Republicans in the state legislature to strike a profound blow against democracy in the Badger State.
“These gerrymandered legislative maps proposed by Republicans in our state legislature, passed with purely Republican legislative votes, and now adopted by a partisan Republican majority in our state Supreme Court — ignore the will of the people in a state where Democrats have won eleven of the last twelve statewide elections.
“Unconscionably, Republicans have packed Black voters into a smaller number of legislative districts, despite their rising share of the state’s population. This is the fruit of the Republican Party’s gutting of the Voting Rights Act, and extends the GOP’s nationwide attack on the voting power of Black Americans that echoes some of our history’s bleakest chapters.
“By cutting the number of competitive districts, Republicans have demonstrated their fear of accountability. And, indeed, they should be afraid. Through this act of political greed and cowardice, they are further alienating the voters of a state that has overwhelmingly expressed its support for fair maps, in polls and advisory referenda and public comments.
“Governor Evers has demonstrated his steadfast commitment to democracy, in fighting for fair maps and in vetoing more than a dozen bills that would undermine our electoral system. Now, by attacking democracy via the state legislature and the courts, Wisconsin Republicans are deepening the determination of Wisconsinites to reelect Governor Evers, recommit to the battle for voter freedoms and representation, and ramp up their fight against authoritarianism in the land of the free.”