Local News
Deputy Cards Remain An Issue In Sheriff’s Race

A Fond du Lac Police Detective says he got pulled into an issue in the Sheriff’s race when his name was brought up by incumbent Fond du Lac County Sheriff Mick Fink. The deputy card issue was first brought up by Detective Bill Ledger who is running against Fink, but it’s Detective Pat Primising who is talking about it now. Primising says the cards expired back in 2011. He says they need the cards to have the power to arrest someone out in the County or need a deputy to stand by and do it for them, which isn’t always convenient. Primising had a meeting with Sheriff Fink in January of 2013 to try and resolve the issue. The Sheriff told someone in another media interview recently that Primising demanded the cards. Primising says that simply isn’t true. He says the Sheriff agreed to issue five deputy cards to Fond du Lac Police detectives, but not to Detectives Ledger, Lee Mikulec and Steve Kaufman. Primising says the Sheriff didn’t like things the detectives said about him and Ledger particularly regarding the 2012 District Attorney’s race. Primising says for him the dispute over the deputy cards is a trust and integrity issue. Primising said while doing his interview with KFIZ he was not representing the police department and in fact will be retiring this September.