Local News
Details Of Shooting Revealed In Murder Trial

A Fond du Lac County jury Tuesday heard an interview where a Fond du Lac woman revealed to a detective that she had shot her husband. Eve Nance was being held in the Fond du Lac County Jail when she asked for an interview with Fond du Lac Detective Steve Kaufman on November 27th of 2013. She told Kaufman she got into a fight with her husband Tim Nance in a bathroom in their home. She said it got physical and she was on the receiving end. She said Tim told her she was useless and all kinds of stuff. She said she was just begging him to go, just go. She said Tim got his handgun out of another room and they struggled and he was shot twice falling into a bathtub. A bullet was later found in the drain of the bathtub. She said afterwards she washed off his body and later disposed of it. Kaufman said late the night of that interview they drove Eve Nance down to the Milwaukee area and she showed them where she disposed of Tim’s body. The murder trial continues in Fond du Lac County Court.