Dock Spiders Split Series With Duluth, Losing 3-2

The Dock Spiders wrapped up their final game at home before the All-Star break on Friday with a 3-2 loss to Duluth. The loss moved the Dock Spiders’ record to 19-32 overall and 6-12 in the second half.

The Dock Spiders started the scoring in the first inning, scoring two runs. After loading the bases with one out, a 4-6 fielder’s choice from Travis Strickler (Embry-Riddle) brought in Caden Shapiro (Princeton), making the score 1-0. The next batter, Drew Barragan (Embry-Riddle), walked, loading the bases again. Drew Prosek (Gulf Coast State) also walked, scoring the second run of the inning making the score 2-0.

The score remained the same until the fourth inning when Duluth scored three runs, all with two outs. A fly ball to right field off the bat of Charlie Sutherland (Minnesota) started the rally, with an error by right fielder Travis Strickler allowing a runner aboard with two outs. The next batter, Joe Vos (St. Thomas), singled, putting runners on first and second base. Ethan Cole (Minnesota-Duluth) then singled to left field, bringing in the first run and making the score 2-1. The next hitter walked, bringing Jayden Duplantier (Texas at Austin) to the plate. A single to left field from Duplantier scored two runs, giving Duluth a 3-2 lead.

The Dock Spiders’ pitching over the last five innings allowed only two hits and did not allow a run, due to the work of RHP Alex Stewart (Ellsworth CC) and Xerian Ximinies (Florida A&M).

In the seventh inning, the Dock Spiders got a one-out double from Aiden Jolley (Georgia Tech) and advanced him to third base with a groundout. However, they were unable to get him home as a strikeout of Drew Barragan (Embry-Riddle) ended the inning and the Dock Spiders’ threat. The Dock Spiders left eleven runners on base during the game.

In the ninth inning, the Dock Spiders got the tying run aboard with one out but were unable to score, falling by a final score of 3-2.

The Dock Spiders head to Green Bay for the next two games to finish up their stretch of 27 games in 25 days leading to the All-Star break on Monday. The first pitch against the Rockers on Saturday is scheduled for 3:05 p.m.