Local News
Dodge County Sheriff Voices Opposition To Sex Offender Placement

Once again Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt is opposing the placement of a violent sex offender in the County. In fact 57-year-old Robert Larson Jr. was one of two sex offenders placed in a residence in Brownville last summer. Opposition to that placement due to two children living in an adjacent home led to the court taking Larson and Jonathan Miller out of the residence. A Dodge County judge last week granted conditional approval to placing Larson in a home in Reeseville on Neuberger Road. Miller has a hearing on March 22nd and could be placed in the same residence. While investigating the Neuberger Road residence the Sheriff’s office found out that it’s within 1500 to 2000 feet of homes were 14 children live. In addition 8 children frequently visit those homes, and one of the homes holds school for 13 more children. Schmidt testified during Larson’s hearing and also emailed the Department of Corrections voicing his opposition to the placement.