Local News
Duey Stroebel On His Run For Congress

State Representative Duey Stroebel says he has a plan in his run for Congress. He’s one of four Republican candidates running for the 6th Congressional District seat. Stroebel says you can find the “Stroebel Strategy” on his website. He says it has a strategy for improving job creation and the economy and other issues. Stroebel also feels that when it comes to education that’s best left up to local control. He says there’s no need for a federal education department. He says Ronald Reagan felt it wasn’t needed and he concurs with Reagan on that. Stroebel also has a 3-point plan for securing our borders and illegal immigration. He says it starts first with securing the borders. Next he would modernize the system. He also says green cards and citizenship should be merit-based. The winner of next Tuesday’s primary will face Democratic candidate Mark Harris who is the Winnebago County Executive in the November election.