Local News
Ebony Vision To Host Soul Food Cooking Contest
Do you think you have an award winning recipe of a soul food dish?
Ebony Vision asks that you put your money where their mouths are by joining the Juneteenth Soul Food Cooking Contest on June 17th at the Juneteenth festival in Fond du Lac.
Local chefs can compete in four categories. Ribs, Greens, Sweet Potato Pie and Mac and Cheese.
The contest is free to enter and will be judged by what Ebony Vision is calling celebrity Fond du Lac judges.
This year marks the 15 annual Juneteenth celebration in Fond du Lac. The event will be at Buttermilk Creek Park from 11 AM to 5 PM.
Contest dishes will be accepted from noon to 12:45 with judging to start at 1. Competitors must be registered by June 10th.