Local News
Eden Fire Department Celebrating Centennial Anniversary This Weekend

The Eden Firemen’s Association will celebrate the Eden Fire Department’s 100th anniversary Saturday. That includes a program at the firehouse and a street dance. Ed Costello of the Association is a member of the department. He says at 5 p.m. they will open their doors and at 6:30 there will be a program. That will include the presentation of a plaque from the Badger Fireman Association and some federal recognition of the occasion. Congressman Glenn Grothman will present them with a Flag that flew over the nation’s capitol and they will receive a letter of congratulations from President Barack Obama. He says there oldest living former Fire Chief Maurice “Maurie” Baumhardt will be on hand. Maurie jokes the fire department has only been around eight years longer they he has. He was chief for 19 years. Costello says generations of families have served the department. The Back Home Boys will be performing from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday night and refreshments will be available. (Facebook photo)