Local News
End Of Service For FDL Police K9 Packo
The City of Fond du Lac Police Department is sad to announce that Police K9 “Packo”, partner of Officer Ben Hardgrove was put to sleep yesterday due to a sudden deteriorating health condition.
K-9 Packo was a 10 ½ year old German Shepherd that joined the Department in August, 2007 when he was paired up with Officer Ben Hardgrove. K-9 Packo was an active member of the K-9 unit up until November of this year when he developed a rapidly deteriorating health condition.
K-9 Packo served a distinguished career with Officer Hardgrove during their eight years together in the service and protection of the City of Fond du Lac. They were responsible for a significant number of apprehensions, arrests, and seizures of illegal drugs as well as successful tracks for suspects and missing/endangered subjects. In addition K-9 Packo was well known throughout the Community with his many public appearances/demonstrations at schools, nursing homes and service clubs. Officer Hardgrove and K-9 Packo were certified through Waukesha and Fox Valley Technical Colleges at Steinig Tal Kennels in Campbellsport and were members of the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Canine Handlers Association and annually received the Police Utility Dog Title from the North American Police Work Dog Association.
Two of K-9 Packo’s most recent outstanding arrests include:
· Apprehension of a carjacking suspect from Milwaukee that rammed squad cars and led officers on a high speed pursuit throughout the city that ultimately led to the suspect crashing into a vehicle on Johnson St. and attempting to flee on foot on July 5th of this year.
· Successfully Tracking a hit and run suspect with a history of being combative with law enforcement in Green Lake County in January 2015 under less than ideal conditions.
“The entire City of Fond du Lac Police Department family was saddened with the loss of K-9 Packo. K-9 Packo has been an integral member of our Department and has served our Community with distinction over his career. He will be greatly missed.” Chief Bill Lamb – City of Fond du Lac Police Department