Envision Greater FDL Volunteers Of The Year To Be Recognized

Envision Greater Fond du Lac will honor the 2016 “Volunteers of the Year” during a recognition luncheon next Thursday at the Holiday Inn. President and CEO Cecelia Harry says she will also give stakeholders a state of the organization address. Two individuals will be recognized as “Volunteers of the Year” for their contributions during the past year. The winners are Mark Diederichs (pictured above) the CEO of Lake Breeze Dairy and Joe Truesdale the Marketing Account Manager at wisnet.com. Diederichs serves on the Envision Greater Fond du Lac Board of Directors, the Agri-Business Council’s Board of Directors, and the Agricultural Ambassador Program’s Board of Directors. Truesdale has been actively invovled in the Young Professionals of Fond du Lac, as a Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac Board of Directors member, Pop-Up Fond du Lac organizer and more. 

Joe Truesdale.