Local News
Fair Given More Time To Pay Loan Back To FDL County

The Fond du Lac County Board last night approved a resolution giving the County Agricultural Society or County Fair two more years to repay a $50,000 loan. The Fair only had enough to pay $10,000 before the end of this month. Fair Manager Matt Immel told the board over the years they’ve contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations for capital improvements at the fairgrounds over the years. He says that amounted to more than $371,000 and they want to get back to a financial situation where they can contribute to offset capital improvements at the fairgrounds. Fair Board members were in the audience to show their support for the fair. Immel says the fair had deficits in 2012 and 2013, but finished with an $18,000 profit in 2014. He says according to the state’s Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection nearly 70 percent of counties in the state contribute some type of financial support to their fairs, but Fond du Lac County is in the minority.The County doesn’t charge the fair rent and also picks up the electricity costs. The County Board approved the Fair Board’s request voting 20 to 2 in favor of the resolution with one supervisor abstaining.