Local News
False Alarm Could Have Consequences

Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue Chief Peter O’Leary says the pulling of a fire alarm at the high school Monday is something that could have serious consequences for the person who did it. He says in this case students and staff had to evacuate the high school in single digit temperatures and below-zero wind chills. He says it was dangerous for people to stay outside when they weren’t bundled up for the weather. O’Leary says he heard from a faculty member that one student turned in the student who pulled the alarm in a Math pod. He says if that’s true that student could be facing possible discipline from the school district and possible criminal charges. He says when they responded to a fire alarm at Pier Elementary they put students in the gym when they found out there was a fire in another part of the building. He says there would have been contingencies to get students out of the cold if the fire alarm at the high school turned out to be for a real fire.