Local News
Fatal Accident On Highway 23

The 35-year-old Cedar Grove man killed in a two-vehicle accident east of Fond du Lac Thursday morning was a guidance counselor at the Fond du Lac High School. Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Sergeant Paul Rottscholl says they got a call at 7:26 a.m. about an accident on State Highway 23 near Hilltop Drive. A preliminary investigation found Matt Heinen was driving a west bound vehicle lost control and slid into the eastbound lane causing an accident. Rottscholl says weather conditions at the time of the mishap may have been a factor. He says deputies arriving on the scene reported there was low visibility due to heavy snow and fog and road conditions were slippery. Heinen died at the scene and the other driver, a 37-year-old Mt. Calvary man, was taken to St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac with non-life threatening injuries.
A 35-year-old Cedar Grove man was killed in a two-vehicle accident east of Fond du Lac Thursday morning. Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Sergeant Paul Rottschollsays they got a call at 7:26 a.m. about an accident on State Highway 23 near Hilltop Drive. A preliminary investigation found a west bound vehicle lost control and slid into the eastbound lane causing an accident. Rottscholl says weather conditions at the time of the mishap may have been a factor. He says deputies arriving on the scene reported there was low visibility due to heavy snow and fog and road conditions were slippery. The driver who lost control died at the scene and the other driver, a 37-year-old Mt. Calvary man, was taken to St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac with non-life threatening injuries. Other agencies at the scene included Fond du Lac Police, Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue, the State Patrol, Eden 1st responders and fire, and the County Highway Department.
A 35-year-old man was killed in a two-vehicle accident east of Fond du Lac this morning. Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Lieutenant Jim Borgen says they got a call at 7:26 a.m. about an accident on State Highway 23 at Hilltop Drive. A preliminary investigation found a vehicle lost control and slid into the opposite late causing an accident. Borgen says weather conditions at the time of the mishap may have been a factor. He says deputies arriving on the scene reported there was low visibility due to heavy snow and fog in the area. The driver who lost control died at the scene and the other driver, a 37-year-old Mt. Calvary man, was taken to St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac with non-life threatening injuries.