Local News
Fatal Accident Reported In Dodge County

Dodge County Sheriff’s officials have released the name of the 12-year-old rural Neosho boy killed trying to ride his dirt bike across a roadway last Friday afternoon. Maxwell Behmke wasn’t wearing a helmet when his bike was struck by a pickup truck driven by 34-year-old Brandon Lacrosse of Neosho. No one was in the pickup with Lacrosse. The accident happened on County Highway NN. A 911 call reported the mishap just before 4 p.m.
A 12-year-old Neosho boy was killed in a Dodge County traffic accident Friday afternoon. Sheriff’s officials say the boy was biding a dirt bike when he tried to cross the roadway on County Highway NN and was struck by a pickup truck. The boy died at the scene. He was not wearing a helmet. The 34-year-old pickup truck driver was not injured in the collision. The accident occurred about a mile east of the Village of Neosho. A 911 call reported it just before 4 p.m.