Local News
FDL City Council Candidate Profile – Dan Degner
Six candidates are running for three spots on the Fond du Lac City Council in the April 2nd election, and one of the six names you will see on the ballot is Dan Degner. Degner is a fourth-generation Fond du Lac resident, who says service to the community is something that has been passed down over the years. He says his decision to run for City Council came after circulating petitions to reform where Chapter 980 sex offenders can be placed in a community. “The biggest issue that i was hearing from parents in our community is that the City of Fond du Lac has no restrictions on where sex offenders can live,” Degner said. “So there are parents who are worried they are sending their kids to elementary schools and middle schools in Fond du Lac, where there are sex offenders who are convicted of assaulting minors (nearby), and that’s a huge issue,” he said.
Degner says he’s seen some issues in fiscal areas and other safety issues where people want someone to step up, but no one would. “When it came to me stepping up, I didn’t want to at first – I talked to a bunch of other people I thought could run, and I offered to run their campaigns – but no one was willing to step in, so that’s why I ended up running – to help make Fond du Lac a great community,” he said.
As for other issues facing the city of Fond du Lac – Degner points to dealing with the opioid crisis by continuing to take down drug dealers in the community and common-sense budgeting that puts the taxpayer first as initiatives he intends to push for if elected. Degner also says that empowering local businesses is another “tier” in his platform. “At the end of the day, the government doesn’t create jobs, it can only create an environment in which jobs can be created and where jobs can thrive and our local businesses can thrive,” he said. “One of the things I’ve realized from talking to a lot of small business owners and manufacturers in our community, is that we have way too many unnecessary regulations that make it hard for them.”
Find out more about Dan on his Facebook Page
Listen back to Dan’s interview on The Breakfast Club