Local News
FDL City Council Denies Special Use Permit For Mini-Storage Facility

The Fond du Lac City Council denied a special use permit for a mini-storage facility that would have been built in the Wildlife Acres Subdivision south of Highway 151. Wednesday night’s Council vote was 6 to 1 to deny the request. Twenty-four speakers pitched the pros and cons to the Council, the majority of the speakers were against the proposal. Wildlife Acres President Robert Oberbeck told the Council it would be a mistake to allow the permit for the nearly 300 unit facility. He said, “There is no fix for a mistake tonight. You need to make the right decision. There are no do overs. Please defeat this resolution.” Opponents cited increased traffic, possible security issues, and the devaluation of property as concerns. Jerry VanLanen of All Around Storage told the Council those were misconceptions that there would be very little traffic to the storage units and that they would be secure and clean. But the Council voted for denial, which brought up a round of applause in the Council Chambers. (Scott Louden speaks to the Fond du Lac City Council about the special use permit request).