Local News
FDL City Council Notes

Special Use Permit For Off Site Parking Granted
The Fond du Lac City Council Wednesday night approved a special use permit that will allow Jor-Mac/Empire to lease Lenz Sales & Service to lease parking space in a parking lot at 475 South Seymour Street. Lenz will use the 78 spaces to store vehicles. Kelly Sayles of Jor-Mac told the Council in order to live up to the City’s zoning code requirements they also had to lease empty office space on the property to Lenz so that they could get all 78 spaces. She says people in Lomira are begging Jor-Mac, a metal fabricating business to stay, and Fond du Lac isn’t throwing out the welcome mat through such practices. Councilwoman Catherine Block agreed saying she goes by the parking lot all the time and it’s never being used. City officials will be reviewing some of the parking requirements in the zoning code.
FDL Trying To Eliminate Debt
The Fond du Lac City Council Wednesday night approved borrowing to refinance an old debt, for the 2016 Capital Improvement Plan, and for improvements in Tax Incremental District 10. The refinancing was for a debt with a balloon payment that comes next month. City Manager Joe Moore says it only extends the debt by a couple of years, but eliminates the balloon payment and reduces the interest by more than half. He says they are trying to eliminate any borrowing that has balloon payments and limit the borrowing to 10 years. The borrowing for TID 10 will be paid for through tax increments the City recoups from that industrial park.
FDL City Council Amends 2016 City Budget
The Fond du Lac City Council Wednesday night approved adding nearly $180,000 in expenditures to the 2016 City Budget. The Department of Public Works is asking for $170,000 of that to replace a dump truck. City Manager Joe Moore says they could repair the truck, but it was going to be replaced next year anyway through their Capital Improvement budget. Fire and Rescue also asked for $9,500 to install emergency vehicle warning lights north and south of Fire Station Number 2. They would be activated when fire trucks or ambulances are leaving the station. Moore says during periods of heavy traffic firefighters have to direct traffic to get the trucks out. He says when the Highway 151 overpass at County T is complete it’s going to put even more traffic on 4th Street and going through that intersection.