Local News
FDL City Council President Thinks Dogs In Parks Proposal Should Be Kept Simple

Fond du Lac’s Advisory Park Board will be discussing whether the City should allow dogs in parks. The City Council last week referred the issue to the board. City Council President Lee Ann Lorrigan voted against the referral, but says she would have been favor of it if the Council had restricted it to Lakeside Park and if the dogs were on leashes. She says parks are for families and small children are frequently scared of strange dogs. She says if the board ends up forwarding a proposed ordinance to the Council it shouldn’t contain too many exceptions and conditions. She says Madison allows dogs in parks, but your dog has to be licensed and you have to pay a fee in addition to that. She says a fee would be good for Fond du Lac because it would help pay for any problems that arise for allowing dogs in a park. The Advisory Park Board meets next Monday evening at 5:30 at the City-County Government Center.