Local News
FDL County Clerk Expecting Recount In 6th Congressional

Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg is expecting a recount in the Republican primary for the 6th Congressional District. By early Wednesday morning State Senator Glenn Grothman’s apparent victory had dwindled down to a 214 vote margin and State Senator Joe Leibham said he wasn’t conceding the race. Freiberg says the board of canvassers for the various counties will meet next week to make totals official. The State Government Accountability Board certifies the results and then the clock starts running for a candidate that wants a recount. Freiberg says the results still aren’t official and there are outstanding ballots that have to be counted. She anticipates a recount could begin the week of August 25th. She says under a new state law counties will also have to agree on the method for the recount whether to count ballots by hand or by feeding the ballots back through voting machines.