Local News
FDL County Fair Market Livestock Auction
Partnerships between area youth and the animals they raise culminated in yesterday’s Market Livestock Auction at the Fond du Lac County Fair. Matt Gross of Oakfield who raised the Grand Champion Market Steer says it can be a bit overwhelming for those who are showing their animals for the first time. Mike Immel of Immel Insurance has been a longtime supporter of area youth at the auction. He says it’s great to give back to the kids because they are going to be our future. Cole Tidemann of Rosendale raised the Grand Champion Market Steer talked about what he looks for in a possible grand champion. He says you look at the body frame and the possibility of what they will grow into. KFIZ’s Wade Bates and Rae Nell Halbur broadcasted live from the Market Livestock Auction last night.
Click Here To Listen to the KFIZ Radio Broadcast of the auction
The winners:
Grand Champion Market Steer – Matt Gross of Oakfield
Grand Champion Showman Beef Steer – Brianna Falk of Lomira
Grand Champion Market Goat – Morgan Cooper of Mt. Calvary
Grand Champion Market Sheep – Cole Tidemann of Rosendale
Champion Showman Sheep Sarah Winkler of Malone
Overall Hog Champion – Emily Franke of Oakfield
Champion Showman Hog – Nikki Ries of Lomira