Local News
FDL County Health Department Continues Public Flu Shot Clinics
The Fond du Lac County Health Department is ramping up
their efforts to make sure everyone gets the flu vaccine this year. The Centers
for Disease Control recommends that anyone age six months or older get a flu
shot, and ideally, a person should get the vaccine about two weeks before the
flu arrives in your community. Joyce Mann with the Fond du Lac County Health
Department says that arrival can be hard to predict, but its important that you
are protected. “It doesn’t matter if you get it from us, or from your clinic or
a local pharmacy that you frequent, but it’s really your best prevention – and like
so many other things, it’s really an important strategy for protecting not only
your health, but the health of everybody around you,” she said. The Health
Department has a number of public flu clinics scheduled for the remainder of
this month and into November. In addition, their school-based flu vaccine
clinics will begin later this month. Learn more about those public and school-based clinics here.