Local News
FDL Fire Department Now Using Chest Compression Systems

Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue now has the option of using an automatic chest compression system for cardiac arrest patients. The department purchased five of the chest compressors. Assistant Chief Todd Janquart says studies have shown that such systems are more efficient over a prolonged period of time when chest compression is needed. He says they talked with other departments who have used the devices. He says the feedback was overwhelming that they were a solid device that works well. Lt. Curt Smits has used the Lucas Chest Compression System at another department he worked at. He says they are fortunate the department was able to purchase them. Janquart says the system will free up paramedics to do other things for the patient and hopefully improve their success rate when it comes to saving cardiac arrest patients. The Lucas chest compression systems cost $13,000 a piece. Pictured Assistant Chief Todd Janquart and Lt. Curt Smits.
Facebook video of system at work. Click here.
The Lucas Chest Compression System at work.