Local News
FDL Fire Insurance Rating Puts City In Elite Company

Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue now has an ISO Class 1 fire insurance rating, putting it in some elite company. Insurance Services Office awarded the City that top rating, which becomes effective July 1st. Fire Chief Peter O’Leary says only 180 cities out of more than 48,000 across the country have that unique rating. Fond du Lac is the second city in Wisconsin to get the ISO Class 1 rating, but the only city in the state to also be internationally accredited. Assistant Fire Chief Steve Beer says the City’s score improved significantly since the last audit for the rating. He says there score improved by 8 points since 2010 and more than 5 points came from doing risk assessments. The fire department did risk assessments for over 2,700 commercial structures in the City. Fire Chief O’Leary says the department will continue to strive for improvements. He says the new rating raises the bar for the department. The new rating could also have a positive impact on insurance rates for homes and businesses.