Local News
FDL HS Student Suspects Water Bottle Was Tainted

Fond du Lac High School officials and a school resource officer are investigating a report from a student who thinks her water bottle may have been tainted on school grounds. Principal Matt Steinbarth sent a notice about the incident out to students this past Saturday. District Superintendent Jim Sebert says things went as well as they could have during the incident. The student didn’t feel “right” after drinking from her bottle. She went to the school office and a school nurse looked her over and referred her to the hospital for a medical follow up. The student returned to classes the next day. Sebert says they are looking into whether someone could have slipped something into the student’s water bottle. The matter is being taken seriously. Sebert says Steinbarth has been a teacher and administrator a long time and has come through other challenges, but any time you’re talking about student well being and safety it becomes a priority.