Local News
FDL PD Explores Take First Place In State Competition
Left to right: Front Row: Briana Mathes, Maddie Galow, Christina Hilbrans , Brooke Mathes, Michael Contreraz Back Row: Advisor Officer Kristin Kachelmeier, Advisor Officer Cammie Vandermolen, Marcus Clapper, Taylor Goldapske, Brittany Jann, Austin Burton and Advisor Officer Kieran Weed. Not pictured but competed Jenna Klein.
The Fond du Lac Police Department is proud to announce that the Fond du Lac Police Department Explorer’s Scout Post received a number of trophies at a State Explorer Scout Competition. The Fond du Lac post competed with 10 other Police Explorer posts from across the State at the competition held at Fox Valley Technical College on Saturday April 5th. The competition involved scenarios in Use of Force, Domestic/Disturbance Resolution, Mutual Aid, Search Warrant, Law Exam, Crisis Intervention/Negotiations and Traffic Stops. The Fond du Lac post brought home a 1st place trophy and three third-place trophies.
The Explorer Post is a joint effort between the City of Fond du Lac Police Department and the Boy Scouts of America. The program is intended to give males and females from ages 14-20 the opportunity to explore law enforcement as a possible career choice. The Explorer Post meets on the third Tuesday of every month. During these monthly meetings, Explorers will receive hands-on training from Fond du Lac Police Officers in areas such as handcuffing, crime scene investigations, proper evidence handling, traffic control, proper radio communication, conducting traffic stops, and when to
shoot/not shoot. Explorers are invited to participate in the Ride Along program that the Fond du Lac Police Department offers. In this program, Explorers will ride along with an officer for a portion of their shift and get to see what it is like to be a police officer and what some duties and responsibilities of the job are. The Explorer Post assists the Police Department with various community service projects including parades, fireworks, Fond du Lac’s Walleye Weekend and other public events. The Explorer Post also assists the Police Department by assisting officers at crime prevention displays and fingerprinting of children and manning crime prevention booths.
Explorers wear uniforms that are issued by the Post and a duty belt with various pieces of equipment based on the hours they provide to the post.
The Explorer Post participates in various Explorer Competitions held throughout the state in events such as vehicle contacts, shoot/don’t shoot, crime scene investigations and physical agility.
For more information on the Fond du Lac Police Explorer’s Post, contact School Resource Officer Cammie Vandermolen at (920)322-3700 ext.1028 or e-mail cvandermolen@fdl.wi.gov