Local News
FDL Police Use Of Force Rate Very Low

Fond du Lac Police have logged very few use-of-force events in the past few years. In fact in 2015 and 2016 they recorded 78 of those types of events each year. Police Chief Bill Lamb says the majority of those events in 2016 could be categorized as “low-level” use-of-force. He says, “The vast majority of them, 77 percent of them were what I will call “low level.” So they were compliance holds or passive-countermeasures, which is a technical way of saying one of a series of techniques we use to take people to the ground.” Some required a little more use-of-force. He says, “There were nine taser deployments, seven what we call active countermeasures so those would be strikes or kicks, two K9 releases and zero deadly force incidents.” There were 33 calls where a weapon had to be displayed. In 2016 Fond du Lac Police responded to 61,874 logged activity events. Lamb says if only 78 required some type of use-of-force that works out to less than 2/10ths of percent.