Local News
FDL School Board Approves 2019-20 District Budget
The Fond du Lac School Board voted to approve the School District’s 2019-2020 budget at its meeting Monday night. The budget carries a total levy of just over $34 million, and includes an increase in the mill rate of 42 cents from $8.28 last year to $8.70 this year. District Superintendent Jim Sebert explains that around 28 cents of that increase is because of the $98.5 million referendum that voters approved in the spring, with the other 14 cents going to the state’s school choice voucher program and the state’s Special Needs Scholarship Program.
Sebert tells us that this budget has worked out very well for the district. “We’re going to be able to do a CPI-allowable raise of 2.44 percent for our teachers as well as all of our employee groups, we have that budgeted, and we don’t have to make any cuts with this budget,” Sebert said. He adds that the district has been fiscally responsible for many years and that they “feel really strong” about their financial position both this year and going into the future.