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FDL School Board Approves Caps For Special Education Enrollment
2018-2019 School Year. District Superintendent Jim Sebert points out there are no caps for regular education, but they do have limits for special education. He says, “In order to make the caseloads manageable for the staff that we have we put caps on particular levels where we are already at that threshold. So there are still a few programs where we have opportunities for students to open enroll in, but there are many in special ed where we don’t.” Special education covers a variety of needs for students with disabilities and other challenges. Sebert says, “When we are talking special education we are talking about learning disabilities, emotional behavioral disabilities, cognitive disabilities, and then there are other areas such as speech or other health impairments.” According to Sebert special education students make up about 16 percent of the District’s enrollment or about 1,100 students.