Local News
FDL School Board Delays Vote On Opposition To School Choice
The Fond du Lac School Board last night delayed voting on a resolution opposing the school choice voucher expansion the Governor has proposed. A couple of school choice advocates who spoke say an ad placed by the district in Sunday’s Action Advertiser had too many inaccuracies about school choice. Sean Twohig says for instance what was said about private schools and special needs students. He says the ad was also inaccurate about funding for districts that lose students to school choice. Board member Mark Jurgella says since the resolution was drafted some things have changed. State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt is thinking of filing an open records request over the ad. He wants to know how the district can use taxpayer money to pay for an ad when they haven’t even voted on the resolution yet. The board intends to hold another workshop on the resolution and take it up at their May 28th meeting.